Posted by Nodus Labs | May 14, 2012
Emergence of Polysynchrony in Adaptive Systems

Polysynchrony is a condition where distinct groups of nodes within the same network can exhibit different synchronization patterns. These nodes do not have to be necessarily connected to one another and it has also been shown that polysynchronous state often emerges in hierarchical networks. An interesting research on this subject published recently in IOP provides an interesting outline of polysynchronicity.
Emergence of hierarchical networks and polysynchronous behaviour in simple adaptive systems (PDF)
We describe the dynamics of a simple adaptive network. The network architecture evolves to a number of disconnected components on which the dynamics is characterized by the possibility of differently synchronized nodes within the same network (polysynchronous states). These systems may have implications for the evolutionary emergence of polysynchrony and hierarchical networks in physical or biological systems modeled by adaptive networks.