Social Network Analysis

  • “The Game” and Social Dynamics of Pick-Up Artists

    Basic principles of network operation can be successfully used for establishing a new kind of ethics for social encounters. We look at the social dynamics modulated through so-called “Game” utilized by pick-up artists and abstract this approach to learn interesting new behaviors for activating intersubjective relations.

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  • 10 Best Ways to Expand Your Facebook Network

    We’ve been doing social media marketing for several companies over the years using network analysis and came up with these 10 advices to expand your Facebook reach.

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  • Clean Facebook Newsfeed, Explode Filter Bubble

    Facebook newsfeed is a huge distraction for users, producing unnecessary time waste and a false sense of social engagement. Here we present an app that eradicates Facebook newsfeed and replaces it with some interesting info, advice, and links to the more interesting Facebook features (such as Graph search).

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  • Group Profiling Using Text Network Analysis

    Any group of people working together has a field of interests, which can be represented as a network of interrelated concepts. Mark might be interested in studying trends and fashion, while Joanne might be into fashion and arts. Identifying those interests and their relation to one another can be very useful for improving the collaboration, indicating the vantage points as well as the structural gaps within the group.

    Text network analysis can be used for such quick group profiling. The members of the group can write a short text (or be interviewed) outlining their interests. Alternatively, publicly available texts can be used to gather the data. Next, graph visualization of this aggregated text can help identify the most prominent topics and their relations within that text corpus.

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  • Embodying Social Networks Workshop

    Networks are everywhere and yet it’s still a very abstract concept. Together with our colleagues from Transnomia Institute we put together a special workshop that offers a very tangible experience of networks to the participants. As a result, they get intuitive and embodied knowledge of various network structures and learn to extend their social skills beyond the common patterns and codes of behavior.

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