
  • From Singularity to Polysingularity: An Evolutionary Approach

    Tamsin van Essen

    Digital technology affects us on many different levels. The implicit and explicit choices that developers make find their expression in interfaces and algorithms that we use in our daily lives. Those choices have a certain pragmatic and ideological basis, which is best captured with the concept of Singularity.

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  • Job Offer: Javascript / Node.Js Developers Needed

    Nodus Labs, a network science research lab, is looking for 4 special agent developers who would be willing to work with us on the project-based basis.

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  • How to Quickly Add Nodes and Edges to Graphs

    The existing interfaces for graph manipulation all suffer from the same problem: it’s very difficult to quickly enter the nodes and edges. We propose a much faster system, based on the #hashtags to mark the concepts and @mentions to tag the contexts or different graphs.

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  • The Topos of the Earth

    Since the modern system of knowledge is understood as a multimodal system of navigation endowed with universal orientation, the question of the topos or the site of the local is linked to the question of epistemology and knowledge both in its analytical and synthetic dimensions. It will be argued that the local – like the global – is not a datum given a priori. Instead the determination of the local is a procedural task always threatened by the impotency of the generic perspective and the localist myopia of the particular. We shall argue that the task of localization needs to be understood as an oblique procedure that operates by means of certain ‘perspective operators’ and ‘epistemic mediators’.

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  • Context and Narrative

    In the world of screens we are dealing with fixed states. Sometimes animations. Browsers have a Back button, but it’s still very easy to get lost on the internet. The main problem is that we lose context. And while we lose context we also lose the narrative. So it’s imperative we find a solution to this problem, because not only it will provide a better user experience, but it will also save a lot of time.

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