• Fractal Move Tracker: Stimulate Physical Variability

    Fractal Move is a movement tracker that stimulates variability and, therefore, highly adaptive and resilient physicality, which can be useful both in fitness and everyday life.

    Based on our research together with EightOS, we developed this tool to encourage non-linear aesthetics and adaptive movement, which we have been exploring through EightOS practice for several years. In our approach, we follow the ecological variability framework, which proposes to switch between slow and fast movement, as well as the levels of intensity to learn to operate on multiple scales simultaneously (enabling awareness of both the long-term and short-term perturbations in the environment). Learn more about the science behind on the EightOS website.

    Available for FitBit Versa 3 and Sense (as well as for the older versions of FitBit), both as a clock app and a watch clock face. Coming soon for Apple Watch and other wearables and motion tracking sensors as well.

    FitBit movement tracking device

    To try out:
    Search for “Fractal Move”
    in your FitBit App > Versa 3 / Sense 2 > Gallery.

    Or check out in FitBit Apps or FitBit Clockfaces.

    On the internet people come and go, but we would like to stay in touch. If you like what you're reading, please, consider connecting to Nodus Labs on Facebook, Twitter and Patreon, so we can inform you about the latest updates and engage in a dialogue.
  • Try Fractal Move


    Download the App in FitBit Store

    Try InfraNodus Text Network Visualization Tool developed by Nodus Labs. You can use it to make sense of disjointed bits and pieces of information, get visual summaries for text documents, and generate insight for your research process: www.infranodus.com

    If you have any questions about this app, please, contact us via the support portal on support.noduslabs.com

    On the internet people come and go, but we would like to stay in touch. If you like what you're reading, please, consider connecting to Nodus Labs on Facebook, Twitter and Patreon, so we can inform you about the latest updates and engage in a dialogue.