Section 1 – Constructing Cognitive Networks Using Polysingularity Framework

Unit 2/2 – Practice Polysingular Network Cognition in Action

The practice of polysingular network cognition is based on modulating the natural brain/body dynamics. We purposefully activate different networked connectivities one after another, maintaining plural local points of view, which are integrated on the global level.

It is easy to represent this approach with the four stages, a reiterative process based on panarchy and variability approach we developed in EightOS practice:

1) Choosing a certain specific point of view and focusing on it (zooming in);

2) Diversification, focusing on multiplicities (pluralizing one’s point of view)

3) Shifting perspective  (zooming out)

4) Disruption and reiteration


We will look into each of these elements separately in more detail below.