Politics and Speech Writing

  • Putin’s 2014 Address to Federal Assembly Text Network Analysis

    Every year in December Vladimir Putin addresses the Russian Federal Assembly. His address is considered to be a good indicator of the current political mood in the country. Putin’s 2014 speech is especially interesting, because it concerns not only Russia but the whole world. We at Nodus Labs together with Way to Russai analyzed Vladimir Putin’s address made on the 4th of December 2014 using text network analysis and below we present a report on what we discovered. We also made a comparison of the 2014 speech to the 6 speeches before from the years 2008-2013 to see how presidential rhetorics evolved over time.

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  • Group Profiling Using Text Network Analysis

    Any group of people working together has a field of interests, which can be represented as a network of interrelated concepts. Mark might be interested in studying trends and fashion, while Joanne might be into fashion and arts. Identifying those interests and their relation to one another can be very useful for improving the collaboration, indicating the vantage points as well as the structural gaps within the group.

    Text network analysis can be used for such quick group profiling. The members of the group can write a short text (or be interviewed) outlining their interests. Alternatively, publicly available texts can be used to gather the data. Next, graph visualization of this aggregated text can help identify the most prominent topics and their relations within that text corpus.

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  • US Presidents Inaugural Speeches 1969-2013 Text Network Analysis

    We could have also called it The Study of Political Manipulation Techniques. This article reveals how the US presidents masterfully used the right rhetorics to address the general sentiment of their voters and set the forthcoming political agenda. Comparative analysis of their inauguration speeches using dynamic text network analysis clearly demonstrates how the importance of various concepts shifts with the new political challenges that the newly elected presidents face.

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  • Network Analysis of Russian Protest Groups on Facebook using Gephi and Netvizz

    In this post we will demonstrate how one can analyze any Facebook group or profile using a combination of freely available tools. We will take as an example the recent Russian protest movement against rigged elections. Recently there have been many groups popping up on Facebook bringing people together around certain goals and tasks of the movement: self-organized activist groups producing promo materials, singing petition against Vladimir Putin, organizing demonstration for fair elections in Berlin, Germany.

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