Radical School Change

Together with Jan Ritsema from Association PAF we started a platform to promote what we call a “radical school change” – a learning revolution to change the school into something else.

Client: Performing Arts Forum 
Objective: Build a website that would serve as a content network to accumulate information relevant for the transformation of educational system.

Currently the education system is failing. The curriculum of public schools is designed to serve the interests of the 20th century businesses, the schools are organized like factories or prisons, most of the teachers ignore the fact that children can learn much more through communicating to their peers and on the internet.

We started Radical School Change as a platform to bring forth the changes that are so necessary right now. We use the platform to showcase the examples of successful education initiatives around the world, initiate a discussion about alternative education methods, and empower young students to take their education into their own hands and adapt their curriculum to their own talents, needs, and skills.

Try InfraNodus Text Network Visualization Tool developed by Nodus Labs. You can use it to make sense of disjointed bits and pieces of information, get visual summaries for text documents, and generate insight for your research process: www.infranodus.com

The website functions on the basis of This Is Like system for Word Press developed by Nodus Labs. It allows people to find related content through associations and link together the articles and posts that relate to each other. We want to create a network of content and active people and organization in the field, so that they can learn about each other.

Learn more on www.radicalschoolchange.org

On the internet people come and go, but we would like to stay in touch. If you like what you're reading, please, consider connecting to Nodus Labs on Facebook, Twitter and Patreon, so we can inform you about the latest updates and engage in a dialogue.